Thursday, May 8, 2008


That's right.
Mrs. Saari is pregnant
The hubs and I are so excited!

I found out today, after many bitchy, teary, and emotional days, i knew something was wrong.

So I took two test. Two different type.
Both say pregnant!

i just ordered 3 parenting magazines
and i can't wait
Will update more after my doctors appointment

Had my doctors appt today.
Mostly was paperwork, and then i had to drink some shit to test my sugar and had to walk around the hospital for a hour before having to give 6 tubes of blood! AH, it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be though. I kinda started crying when i found out i had to LOL. but i knew it was coming


Julie Burns said...

I am SO glad you decided to blog!!! All the cool people blog now, myspace is for loosers hahaha, jk, i like it to keep up with my not so sophisicated friends that do not blog... welcome to the blogging world!!! :D

Mallory Lee said...

I am glad that even though you're not going to be on myspace anymore that you'll atleast be blogging so that I can keep up with you and this new little life (bundle of JOY) while you are both thousands of miles away! I love you, Nina Roxanne! And I am happy that you are happy with life and that it is treating you so well!! Take care of you and the baby..and don't worry about drama!! Let me get a message from that hooker and I'll put her in her place!! haha! Miss you ad love you so! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily!! Take care until I can see you again!! Love, Love!! God Bless!! <3