My mother & I flew to Honolulu, Hawaii on January 17th.
On the 18th I got married.
To my one and only. Timothy Saari
& since then.. I've been living in Wahiawa, Hawaii / Schofield Barracks / Helemano.
It's fantastic.
Hubby & I always get along, and have yet to have any big disagreement.
We compliment each other so well.
I love love love him!
All in all.. being the Mrs & Wifey has been great.
But cleaning for two sucks ass. (esp when your hubby is a tornado)
We now live in Helemano. It's a military reservation.
Two bedroom, upstairs apartment.
Stairs are a bitch too.
Everything is just finally starting to come together in the house.
We had loaner furniture.
But since then have bought our own couches, big screen tv, and two queen size beds.
We have the best neighbors :)
Love you Dani & Sheela!
& recently Tim & I have been on a very strict diet.
which he hates and thinks I'm killing him of starvation.
We are on a no carb diet for now.
I've start getting into more activities and enjoying Hawaii so much more.
In the mornings I go to the gym for two hours with Dani & Sheela.
We play racket ball, basketball, and work out on all the machines
& I for sure can feel it. I hurt
I don't think I've worked out this much in my life.
Which may be the reason I look like I do now. LOL
Also.. we have two new additions to the family
Alamae & Kamae aka Alley & KiKi
our kittens who are about 10 weeks old now
Only thing to look forward to in March is my grandmother coming to visit.
Bought her plane tickets for March 11th - 27th.
Which is good because Tim should leave sometime for training
Going for some training & leaving me all on my lonesome for the first time.
& thats all
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