Thursday, May 8, 2008

April 26th 2008

Things are still going good.
Started going back to the gym, as promised.

Slowly but surely i will lose some weight!
Me & Tim are doing good back on the diet, eating some cards, just because of some recent health risks i've put myself in. (long story)
Let's just say i'm already boader line diabetic, low blood sugar, and iron..
so yea, i need a little bit of something every now and then.

My grandmother will be here in 2 weeks and 1 day and going to help me with a diet that helps me with how my health is.
So excited for her to be here!

This week all us wifeys went to the beach and took some beautiful pictures with the sunset. check out the pictures. i ordered some 8 x 10's on walgreens and sent them to my mom for mothers day.

Going to go back on monday with the hubs so he can take some photos of me too, since he thinks he can take better ones.

Last night we had a cook out at my house. lots of people, lots of chicken, and watched some movies. it was so much fun. and i love the group of friends we have here and i couldnt ask for better!

Other than that, everything is great.. our pay finally got fixed. so now we have more moneyyyyyy. We only have one more thing to get fixed on the whole pay thing and then we are set to go. Hrm.. my moms coming out in June! :) YAY! I'm so happy that she is. I'm worried about here though. she's being taken advantage of so much. she's raised her kids very well.. they married off and out and good to go.. and i just think that she doesnt need to raise another round. she needs to enjoy her older years with her husband and have her own life, enjoy her money and be to herself now and everyone needs to get out. the end.


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